
Here we go again.

June the first, start of the 2022/23 Atlantic hurricane season. Typically, August and September are the most active, though Jamaica is generally less affected than more northern islands and land masses. NOAA estimate between 14 and 21 named storms, 6 – 8 becoming hurricanes, 3 – 6 becoming major hurricanes – by NOAA reckoning, above average activity. We at LTF are all set up, extra fuel for generator and water pump, freezer topped up, storm shutters dusted off, emergency rum ration stashed. All cottages are of the ‘third little piggy’ construction – you can huff and puff, but you can’t blow them down. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for most of Jamaica! We haven’t been hit for a good time now – statistically worrying. Good luck Jamaica, fingers crossed.